A spur of the moment trip home for the holidays can really be a good idea! Even though it was last weekend it still changed my life...weird how one weekend can change a persons whole perspective on the future.
So the whole reason I went home this last weekend because of my wonderful car problems. Of course! I was driving my dad's Dodge neon after I had painfully learned to drive stick-shift, driven it for 6 months, and finally it felt like "my" car...It decides to break in 5 different places!! I HATE cars!!!!!
So after the trip to Vernal (which did involve me getting another speeding ticket, my second in the last 6 months) my daddy fixed everything except for the window shield. Dad thought it would be a bad idea if I drove it all the way back to Cedar, so I took my sisters car which is actually mine since I bought it 2 years ago. She decided to throw a fit every chance she got about it! I HATE sisters and cops! Both drive me crazy!! I'm going back to Vernal in 2 weeks, getting my car back, and giving hers back to her...you would think she would be okay to rely on our mom for 2 weeks...but NO!!
ANYWAYS after my weekend of car drama my mom said seriously quote "If you hadn't already signed up for classes and had your finacial aid I would say find another job and just buy a car." I was shocked!! But now all I want to do is quit school and buy a car :D
I always wanted a truck but I know that wont happen till I'm married which seems to be getting pushed back farther and farther, however that's a whole nother story that I wont be getting into today lol. After what mom said it made me start to re plan my life again. Now I'm going to make it through this next year of school as fast and hard as I can. Then either start the 2 jobs, saving, and buying a car route, or hair school! I keep putting the things that I want most in my life off for things that would be more sensible or what my parents would want me to do.
I want to quit my job because most days it drains my happiness, start hair school, feel like I can actually do something with my life, and I feel like I don't just have to wait around for prince charming to recuse me from my pathetic life. I think after being home kinda put downer on my life. My sister and I were looking through my mom and dad's pictures from back when they were in high school and they were just SO cute! Dated all through high school, mom waited for him on his mission, and the only problems they ever had were each other parents...I want that! Now its too late for the high school sweet heart dream and I just want to find that one guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep, the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on...blah blah blah!